My most popular blog post explains the key differences between Azure Service Bus and Event Grid. At the time of writing, Event Grid only supported push delivery. However, with the introduction of Event Grid Namespaces, it now supports pull delivery for custom...
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Authenticate Logic Apps against Microsoft Graph using Managed Identity
As the Microsoft Graph API is becoming more popular, I often get the question on how to authenticate Logic Apps against the Microsoft Graph API. When you search on the web, it looks like the only way to achieve this is by creating an App Registration and using the...
Belgium: please share your biggest Azure mistakes with me!
Attention fellow Belgian Azure professionals! After the very positive reactions on my session "My 10 biggest Azure mistakes I want you to learn from", I want to take it to the next level with: "Belgium’s biggest Azure mistakes I want you to learn from". I'm calling on...
Azure API Management workspaces demystified!
Recently, the Azure API Management team announced a new feature called Workspaces. This purpose of this blog is to explain what is does and how you might take benefit of this. The architecture The main architecture of Azure API Management consists of three...
GitHub Actions fails to fetch secrets within reusable workflows
Recently, I played around with GitHub Actions and the authentication towards Azure, as you can read in this blog post. I encountered some issues with using environment secrets, that I would like to share with you. Let's have a look! The problem I have a reusable...
Identify all inbound HTTP Logic Apps endpoints in your Azure Environment
When I saw this post on Twitter, I immediately wanted to take the challenge 🙂 To try to solve this challenge, I wanted to use Azure Resource Graph, because this easily allows you to query all your Azure...