Azure trainings!
Infused with experience from the field, brought with lots of passion!

Exploring Dapr workflows with Logic Apps

In this video, I explain you how you can run Logic Apps on the Azure Functions runtime with Dapr, inside Kubernetes.  This is a brand new functionality and a first step in making Logic Apps available anywhere, even inside your own data center. The video starts with a...

For loop in Logic Apps

Recently, I had a scenario where I wanted to execute a Logic App action n times.  I wanted to achieve the equivalent of the following C# snippet: for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { //Perform action } Some research on the internet tells me that most folks solve this by...

React on Azure Data Lake Store Gen2 events!

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 has now support for Event Grid events, similar to Azure Blob Storage.  This is ideal to start processes automatically, based on certain events that happen within the Data Lake.  In my scenario, I want to process a file, when it is added to...

Azure Data Lake Gen2 Logic Apps connector!

Recently, I had the need to connect Logic Apps with Azure Data Lake Gen 2.  As there was no out-of-the-box connector available, I decided to create my own.  This blog explains how to install, configure and use the connector. Installation guide Navigate to my GitHub...