Azure trainings!
Infused with experience from the field, brought with lots of passion!

Azure Service Bus vs Event Grid Pull Delivery

Azure Service Bus vs Event Grid Pull Delivery

My most popular blog post explains the key differences between Azure Service Bus and Event Grid.  At the time of writing, Event Grid only supported push delivery.  However, with the introduction of Event Grid Namespaces, it now supports pull delivery for custom...
Enforce Azure AD authentication on Service Bus

Enforce Azure AD authentication on Service Bus

Security is one of my main concerns when building PaaS solutions in Azure.  Since private endpoints have GA’d, I always apply network security on my projects.  Unfortunately, private endpoints for Service Bus are only available in the Premium tier, which is a...
Strange issue when creating a Service Bus namespace

Strange issue when creating a Service Bus namespace

Recently, I wanted to create a Service Bus namespace via Bicep.  The simplified resource looked like this: resource serviceBus ‘Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces@2021-06-01-preview’ = { name: ‘test-sb’ location: resourceGroup().location sku: {  ...

Exploring Dapr: Pub/Sub – Part 3: Azure Service Bus

In this “Exploring Dapr” series, I’m exploring some of its capabilities and sharing my thoughts on it.  Dapr is an event-driven portable runtime for building micro services, for more information I refer to the documentation.  Be aware that Dapr is...

API Platforms: centralized vs decentralized?

Throughout the last years, we really see a rise of API platforms!  The business cases behind these platforms vary from B2B/B2C marketplaces, over data-sharing initiatives towards exploration of new, innovative business models. Regardless of the scenario, there’s...