The training takes place during these timeslots:
- May 22: 09h00-17h00 CET
- May 23: 09h00-17h00 CET
- May 24: 09h00-17h00 CET
The training is valuable for developers, architects and operators.
Basic knowledge of Azure
Familiar with the content of the Azure Kubernetes Service – Fundamentals course
Training content
AKS Networking
- Azure Virtual Networks (VNets, subnets, routing tables, …)
- AKS and Azure Virtual Network integration (Azure CNI and kubenet)
- Ingress and egress control
- Service Mesh
- Implementing Linkerd Service Mesh
Advanced pod concepts
- Init containers
- Multi-container pods
- Sidecars
- Implementing sidecars with Dapr (distributed application runtime)
Advanced release concepts
- Deploying manifests with kustomize
- Creating and deploying Helm charts
- Blue/green releases
- Canary releases
- Continuous delivery with GitOps (Flux v2)
Security, authentication and authorization
- Docker image and pod security
- Kubernetes RBAC (role-based access control)
- Integrating AKS with Azure Active Directory
- Integrating Kubernetes secrets with Azure Key Vault
- Azure Active Directory Pod Identity
Extending the Kubernetes API
- Controllers and operators
- Creating your own custom resource definition (CRD) and operator
Some general information about the training:
- The online training takes place via Microsoft Teams
- Access to an Azure subscription will be provided
- The Azure consumption cost is included in the training price
- All training material is handed over to the participants
- The prerequisite software will be communicated one week before the training