Azure trainings!
Infused with experience from the field, brought with lots of passion!

Azure API Management – Security Deep Dive

Your Azure Coach

This training is brought to you by Toon Vanhoutte

  • Azure Most Valuable Professional
  • Microsoft Certified Trainer
  • Huge experience with Azure API Management
  • Very active Azure community member
  • Direct contacts with the Azure product group


The training takes place during these timeslots:

  • June 20: 09h00-17h00 CET
  • June 21: 09h00-17h00 CET


The training is valuable for developers, architects and operators.


Basic knowledge of Azure API Management (concepts and policies)
Basic understanding of API security concepts

Training content

The training focusses on all topics related to Azure API Management security.

  • Azure API Management recap: fundamental API management security concepts…
  • Frontdoor network security: virtual networks, firewall, IP restrictions, rate limiting…
  • Frontdoor authentication: API keys, basic authentication, TLS mutual authentication, OIDC..
  • Frontdoor authorization: OAuth2 with Azure AD, Access Control List, claims, roles…
  • Pass user and app context: possibilities, on-behalf-of flow…
  • Backdoor network security: virtual networks, firewall, IP restrictions, rate limiting…
  • Backdoor authentication: API keys, basic authentication, TLS mutual authentication…
  • Backdoor authorization: OAuth2 with Azure AD, Access Control List, claims, roles…
  • Best practices: Azure Policy, global policy, error handling, key vault, managed identity…

At the end of the training, we apply the gained knowledge on real-life use cases.  Based on several real case studies, you will learn how to determine the right security model for your APIs. We will design and implement state-of-the-art security, by covering both the front- and backdoor. You will learn how to deal with application & user identities and how these can be passed to the backend APIs.

These case studies will be discussed:

  • Natural language processing“: managed identity, Azure Functions, dynamic throttling
  • Customs“: user-assigned, managed identity, role-based access control, key vault
  • Weather Services“: azure relay, hybrid, products
  • Employee Info“: user consent, extract claims, SOAP, TLS mutual authentication


Some general information about the training:

  • The online training takes place via Microsoft Teams
  • Access to an Azure subscription will be provided
  • The Azure consumption cost is included in the training price
  • All training material is handed over to the participants
  • The prerequisite software will be communicated one week before the training

20 June 2023
09:00 — 12:30


€ 1200,00Register



Your Azure Coach is specialized in organizing Azure trainings that are infused with real-life experience. All our coaches are active consultants, who are very passionate and who love to share their Azure expertise with you.