Azure trainings!
Infused with experience from the field, brought with lots of passion!

How to read form-urlencoded data in Azure API Management?

How to read form-urlencoded data in Azure API Management?

Lately, I had the requirement to access data from the incoming HTTP body, which was form-urlencoded (Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded).  I assumed this was something simple to do, however it turned out more complex than expected. HttpUtility? My first...

Common API Management policies

When settings up new API Management instances at customers, I notice that I often specify the same policies at the highest scope, All API’s.  This blog is just a small note to myself and hopefully it might help you too. Inbound policies Two inbound policies are...

IP Restrictions in Logic Apps

Recently, I discovered a new tab for Logic Apps resources in the Azure portal, named Workflow Settings.  Workflow settings is a very generic name, but it’s good to know that it includes additional access control configuration, through inbound IP restrictions. ...