In this “This Month I’ve Read” series, I want to share 5 blogs / articles concerning Microsoft Enterprise Integration that really drew my attention throughout the last month. Here you can find my selection for this month.
Upsert into Azure Table Storage from BizTalk in 10 minutes – Michael Stephenson
In this short video, Michael explains how you can easily upsert data from BizTalk Server into Azure Table Storage. It’s good to be reminded that you can use the WebHTTP adapter to invoke Azure REST API’s, that support SAS tokens in the URL! As always, well explained and to the point! Check out the complete video over here.
Why Event Grid is a game changer for Serverless – Jeff Hollan
In this post, Jeff explains the benefit of using a push communication model, instead of a the slow and inefficient polling model. Event Grid provides a publish / subscribe architecture for events within a push model, with built-in resilience. Events can originate from Azure services or can be custom made. Read the complete article here.
Exploring Azure Event Grid – Tom Kerkhove
My colleague, Tom, did a great job in exploring in-depth the brand new Azure Event Grid offering. He covers pricing, performance, reliability, security, etc… The blog contains also interesting use cases and some good design considerations! This is the first post in a series of three. Read the complete article here.
Azure Service Bus, Event Hub, Event Grid. Which one to choose? – Saravana Kumar
People might get confused with the release of Azure Event Grid. We had already Service Bus and Event Hubs: what should we choose in which scenario? This blog article gives a clear answer on this question, based on an example of Dan Rosanova. Read the complete article here.
OMS and Non Events – Mattias Lögdberg
First of all: if you are into Microsoft cloud integration, be sure to subscribe to the brand new blog of Mattias Lögdberg! In his first post on this personal blog, he discusses the capabilities of monitoring for non-events within OMS. A simple and clean solution for proactive monitoring of Logic Apps integrations! Read the complete article here.