Recently I received some questions about deploying long running Logic Apps. Before providing an answer, I double-checked if my thoughts were correct.

Deployment statements

My answer contained the following statements:

  1. A new version of a Logic App can be deployed, when there are old versions running.
  2. A Logic App completes in the (potentially old) version it was instantiated.
  3. A Logic App gets resubmitted against the latest deployed version.

Deployment test

I quickly took a test to verify if these statements are true.

  • I created a long running Logic App with a delay of 1 minute and a terminate with Version 1 as the message.

  • I fired the Logic App and immediately saved a new version of the Logic App with Version 2 as the terminate message. The Logic App instance continued running and terminated with the message Version 1.

  • If I resubmitted this Logic App, it instantiated a new Logic App from the latest deployed workflow definition. You can verify this by the Version 2 terminate message in the resubmitted Logic App.

I hope these deployment clarifications were helpful!



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