Attention fellow Belgian Azure professionals!
After the very positive reactions on my session “My 10 biggest Azure mistakes I want you to learn from“, I want to take it to the next level with: “Belgium’s biggest Azure mistakes I want you to learn from“.
I’m calling on you to collaborate with me by sharing your biggest Azure with me. We all make mistakes, but by sharing them, we can learn from each other and avoid making the same mistakes in the future.
I want to hear about the mistakes you made while working with Azure and what the (business) impact was. Did it result in a loss of data, downtime, huge costs, insecure situations or any other negative impact? Whatever it was, I want to hear it. This is an opportunity to help others in the Azure community. If you collaborate, I’ll make sure to mention your name in the session (unless you prefer otherwise).
You can contact me via:
- Email: toon[at]
- LinkedIn: Toon Vanhoutte | LinkedIn
- Twitter: Toon Vanhoutte (@ToonVanhoutte) / Twitter
So, don’t hesitate! Share your biggest Azure mistake with me and help others learn from it.
Thank you very much!