Azure trainings!
Infused with experience from the field, brought with lots of passion!

Send API inspector traces to Application Insights

Send API inspector traces to Application Insights

In the December 2020 release of Azure API Management, there was a release note that drew my attention: You can now log API inspector traces to Application Insights and Azure Monitor by setting the verbosity property of the service/diagnostics resource to debug. Azure...
Optimizing API traceability in Azure API Management

Optimizing API traceability in Azure API Management

Once your API is running in production, you realize the necessity of having end-to-end traceability of every single API call.  So, it’s better to think about it upfront.  This blog shows you an easy way to achieve this. Configure Application Insights Let’s...
New workflow expressions for Logic Apps triggers!

New workflow expressions for Logic Apps triggers!

Today, Mötz Jensen, informed me on Twitter about the ability to access the Logic Apps correlation id (client-tracking-id) at runtime.  After some investigation, it turns out that there are some new (but undocumented?) properties available on the trigger() object:...

Navigate directly to the Logic Apps run details

Last week, there was the #IntegrationAMA, where we got to chance to ask our questions to the product teams of the Azure Integration Services.  I used this as an opportunity to remind the product teams of several feature requests.  One of these requests was the ability...

This Month I’ve Read – August 2017

In this “This Month I’ve Read” series, I want to share 5 blogs / articles concerning Microsoft Enterprise Integration that really drew my attention throughout the last month.  Here you can find my selection for this month. Upsert into Azure Table Storage from BizTalk...