In this “This Month I’ve Read” series, I want to share 5 blogs / articles concerning Microsoft Enterprise Integration that really drew my attention throughout the last month. Here you can find my selection for this month.
Clemens Vasters – Choosing the right Azure messaging service for your data
In this extended blog, Clemens explains the usage scenarios for Azure Event Hubs, Event Grid and Service Bus. At first sight, it might look like they compete with each other, but when having a closer look, it should be clear that the usage scenario overlap of the three services is rather small and that they are very complementary. Read the complete article here.
Announcement – Azure AD Managed Service Identity
When accessing e.g. KeyVault from within a Virtual Machine, App Service or Azure Function, you don’t need to store the Service Principal client secret anymore in your config file. Azure injects automatically the generated Service Principal credentials into your Azure service. No more need for credentials to retrieve other credentials! Read the complete announcement here.
Annejan Barelds – Secure a custom webhook for Azure Event Grid
When registering custom subscribers on Azure Event Grid, there’s an authorization handshake required, which is not that well documented. This blog explains how this can be done in a secure way, so you are certain that you only allow events that originate from an Event Grid instance that you control. Read the complete article here.
Mattias Lögdberg – Azure API Management concurrency control
This well-explained post describes how you can easily avoid a backend service of being overflooded by too many simultaneous requests. By simply configuring the limit concurrency policy, you control the maximum of parallel requests to the backend service. Other requests get queued in memory. Read the complete article here.
Nick Hauenstein – Dynamic Values and Schemas for Logic Apps connectors
In this video series, Nick explains very well how you can use his TRex library to create custom connectors for Microsoft Flow and/or Logic Apps. The library uses simple attributes that inject x-ms-dynamic headers into your Swagger definition, so you can populate dynamic dropdown lists or dynamic entities. Watch the complete video over here.